Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Day in Chicago

I know that that kind of sounds like the name of a book, but it's not!
I spent a day in Chicago, and it was fully awesome.
My mom and dad took me and my brother downtown to see Yo-Yo Ma, the famous cellist. The program was supposed to start at 11 o'clock, but ended up starting at one. So, we had a few hours to kill. My mom and I decided to take the 2 mile hike down to Navy Pier, and it was totally worth it! We saw a ton of ice sculptures, including penguins, birds in TREES (birds made of ice!!! AHHHH!!!) and obelisks, and we even saw a sculpture of Medusa. It was so cool!
And then we took the 2 mile hike back. :P But it was a good hike, considering that there's so much to see in Chicago!!!
Then, we went back to the Chicago Cultural Center, and saw YO-YO MA!!! It was so cool. He is really good, and gosh, that dude is hilarious! Yo-Yo Ma is really famous, and it was a total treat to be able to see him, for FREE! I loved it, and I got a front row seat! It was really worth skipping out on Science Fair to see him. (Just kidding, I would always want to skip out on it, even though it was EC.)
I saw like, a million T-shirts that said that there. It was funny.
I love it there, and I really wish to go back again soon.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bears vs Packers

As some might know the Packers beat the Bears 21-14 in the NFC Championship game. I watched the and noticed two things, the referees were in favor of Green Bay and the when ever the Packers didnt make a catch they would always look to the referees put there hands up as if they were just pushed to the ground and wanted a penalty. The Packers got those penalties when they did not deserve them. From here on out I call the Packers Cry Baby Packers. They deserve this nickname and I hope it sticks with them for a long time.

- Grape

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Blue is for Nightmares

(See, readers, told you I would blog on this!)
Stacey's junior year at her school is not easy. She isn't the most popular girl at school, or the smartest, or the prettiest. She has a crush on her BFF's BF, and an even darker secret that threatens to ruin her friendships... for good. And now she's having nightmares again. And these aren't your everyday nightmares – these dreams are too real to ignore, like she did three years ago. The last time she ignored her nightmares, a little girl she loved died. This time though, they're about Drea, her best friend who's become the victim of one seriously psycho stalker. It started with weird e-mails and these weird phone calls. Now someone's leaving Drea white lilies – the same as the death lilies that have been showing up in Stacey's dreams. Everybody thinks this is just some prank . . . until some other girl at school is brutally murdered. There are no witnesses. No one has a perfect alibi. Any one could be guilty. With everyone as suspects, Stacey turns to the one secret weapon she can trust – the magic taught to her by her grandmother. Will the magic be strong enough to expose the true killer, or will the killer make her darkest nightmares come true?


Deadly Little Secret

16-year-old Camelia's life has been pretty normal- up until 3 months ago. But when Ben, the mysterious new guy who nobody knows much about, moved to town, everything changes. Ben is rumored to be responsible for his girlfriends death, and he is immediately shunned by every student on campus- except Camelia. She's drawn to Ben. But soon, Camelia is receiving strange packages, and letters from a mystery stalker. Ben assures her that she is in danger, but can Camelia trust him? Everyone has secrets... Even Ben.
900 out of 10 stars. This book is wonderful, and by one of my favorite authors, Laurie Faria Stolarz, the bestselling author of "Blue is for Nightmares" <-- That was a great book also, I will blog on it soon!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sorry and stuff...

Hey readers! Sorry, I haven't been on this blog too much the past few months. Sorry bout that. 
But I was blogging on a different blog, So Last Year. About Twilight. So, go over there and read about it.
I will blog on what I thought of all the Twilight books soon.

Zank you!

come ON!!!
