Sunday, November 14, 2010
A Summer to Die
Lois Lowry really did a remarkable job with this book. It was heartfelt, and it was something she had dealt with as a child. I would definitely recommend this book to anybody
4.7 our of 5 stars!!!
Friday, October 22, 2010
All Shook Up
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Guess what/ SHUG
Jenny Han did a wonderful job writing this book. It is funny, captivating, and realistic. What happens in this book could happen to anyone!
5 STARS!!!!!
Oh ya, I'm doing a book report on this for class, so when I finish it, I'll post it up here!
Friday, September 10, 2010
100TH POST!!!!!
now on to the book part.
Chains by Laurie Halse is about a girl named Isabel and her younger sister Ruth. They're parents have died. They are slaves. When their owner dies, they get sold to a new owner. She is cruel and harsh to both of them. At the new house they meet Becky, another one of their servants. They encounter many difficulties and aren't happy with their owner. At least they are together...or maybe not. One day when Madam (their owner) is in a "good mood" and makes Ruth and Isabel a nice snack of sweet milk (milk with nutmeg, cinnamon and sugar) and gingerbread. Ruth was with Madam at the time. After her snack Isabel fell asleep. While sleeping, Madam sells Ruth to another owner, as Madam knows Isabel would fight for her sister to stay. Isabel wakes and worries so much as Ruth is only 5. Isabel is trying to escape and find Ruth.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Mother Daughter Book Club
The book clubis about to get
a makeover....
Even if Megan would rather be at the mall, Cassidy is late for hockey practice, Emma's already read every book in existence, and Jess is missing her mother too much to care, the new book club is scheduled to meet every month.
But what begins as a mom-imposed ritual of reading Little Women soon helps four unlikely friends navigate the drama of middle school. From stolen journals, to secret crushes, to a fashion-fiasco first dance, the girls are up to their Wellie boots in drama. They can't help but wonder: What would Jo March do?
Acclaimed author Heather Vogel Frederick will girls everywhere in a novel about the fabulousness of fiction, family, and friendship.
But there are bigger problems when Jess finds out that her family may have to give up Half Moon Farm. In a year filled with skating parties, a disastrous mother-daughter camping trip, and a high-stakes fashion show, the girls realize that it's only through working together -- Becca included -- that they can save Half Moon Farm.
Acclaimed author Heather Vogel Frederick captures the magic of friendship and the scrapes along the way in this sequel to The Mother-Daughter Book Club, which will enchant daughters and mothers alike.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Secret Series
JELLYBEANS IS OUT------------------------- TEHE
Friday, August 27, 2010
hey this is a random post
this is just a random post!
so what's up?
are you ready for school to start?
i am... oh yeah!!
so just post whatever you are feeling right now.
peaches and pears,
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A Song About ... Me
Jellicle Cats come out to-night
Jellicle Cats come one come all:
The Jellicle Moon is shining bright -
Jellicles come to the Jellicle Ball.
Jellicle Cats are black and white,
Jellicle Cats are rather small;
Jellicle Cats are merry and bright,
And pleasant to hear when they caterwaul.
Jellicle Cats have cheerful faces,
Jellicle Cats have bright black eyes;
They like to practise their airs and graces
And wait for the Jellicle Moon to rise.
Jellicle Cats develop slowly,
Jellicle Cats are not too big;
Jellicle Cats are roly-poly,
They know how to dance a gavotte and a jig.
Until the Jellicle Moon appears
They make their toilette and take their repose:
Jellicle Cats wash behind their ears,
Jellicle dry between their toes.
Jellicle Cats are white and black,
Jellicle Cats are of moderate size;
Jellicle Cats jump like a jumping-jack,
Jellicle Cats have moonlit eyes.
They're quitet enough in the morning hours,
They're quitet enough in the afternoon,
Reserving their terpsichorean powers
To dance by the light of the Jellicle Moon.
Jellicle Cats are black and white,
Jellicle Cats (as I said) are small;
If it happends to be a stormy night
They will practice a caper or two in the hall.
If it happens the sun is shining bright
You would say they had nothing to do at all:
They are resting and saving themselves to be right
For the Jellicle Moon and the Jellicle Ball.
T. S. Eliot
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Perfectly Dateless
Daisy Crispin has 242 days to find the right date for the prom. Just one not so little problem--her parents won't let her date or even talk to a guy on the phone. Oh, and she's totally invisible at school, has to wear lame homemade clothes, and has absolutely no social skills. Okay, so maybe there's more than one problem. Can she talk her parents into letting her go to the prom? Or will they succeed at their obvious attempt to completely ruin her life? With hilarious and truthful writing, Kristin Billerbeck uncovers the small--and large--mortifications that teen girls encounter. Readers will fall in love with Daisy's sharp wit and resourcefulness as she navigates the world of boys, fashion, family, and friendship. (less)
This was a pretty good book, but at some points a little boring. But I think I give it 4 stars.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Gimme a call
Not even her stupid cell phone—Devi dropped it in the stupid mall fountain. And when she tries to call her voicemail, someone else picks up. Herself. At age fourteen, three years ago!
Once Devi gets over the shock—and convinces her 14 year old self that she is not some weird stalker person—she realizes that she's been given something great. She can tell herself all the right things to do . . . because she's already done all the wrong ones! Who better to take advice from than your future self?
Except . . . what if you get everything you think you want, and that just changes everything?
People who read Sarah Mlynowski's Magic in Manhattan series will love this book. It is so funny and a great thing to read!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
People have not been to nice to me
sometimes, but I just tell them off and
forget them. I don't care! I love myself how I am.
And another thing........ Try to realize who your real friends are.One of my "friends" was really nice to me this whole school year. Then suddenly on Email, she turned against me and started saying mean things, like that I am really annoying and that I need to shut up. I told her off, saying that she was only nice to me because she wanted me to help her in school. I know I was right.
Just remember... know who your real friends are.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Something To Blog About
You've gotta figure this out for yourself.
This book was similar to one of my all time favorite books, Click Here, to find out How I Survived Seventh Grade.
But that was better.
This book is what I have read before, and this is not really an original idea. I have seen it before, and will see it again.
I give this book 2.5 out of 5 stars.
JELLYBEANS IS OUT--------------------------------- They laugh because I'm different, I laugh because they're the same.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
13 Little Blue Envelopes
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Life and Crimes of Bernetta Wallflower
This is a great story about loosing you footing, but finding your way back up.
Read this... Please!!!
Out of My Mind
Being stuck inside her head is making Melody go out of her mind - that is, until she discovers something that will allow her to speak for the first time ever. At last Melody has a voice... but not everyone around her is ready to hear it.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Maybe it shouldn't be rated PG-13...
But i give it 4 stars. :P
Friday, July 2, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Bras and Broomsticks
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Umbrella Summer
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Heaven looks a lot like the Mall
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Freaky Monday
My name is Hadley Fox, I'm thirteen years old. I really wish my Eighth Grade English Teacher, Ms. Pitt, would follow the lesson plan. Now I am completely freaking out, because today I need to give an Oral Presentation on To Kill A Mockingbird, and I am unprepared. For the first time in my life, me, with the 4.3 GPA and straight A's. I am unprepared. So this one time, Ms. Pitt decides to stay with the plan? She now knows I forgot, and just hands me the book and tells me good luck. I automatically turn to page 139, and read a quote from the father, Atticus. I am embarrassed now also! Some idiot yelled out that they want me to move and my big sister, Tatum to come up. She has her license, and is awesome. I stutter in the middle of the quote, and Ms. Pitt helps me finish it. " 'Until you climb into his skin and walk around in it' " The lights flicker. I felt a jolt, Ms. Pitt and I just stood there, and suddenly, I say something, but I hear not my own voice, but Ms. Pitt's. I see I am standing NEXT TO MYSELF. I see myself, and I look like Ms. Pitt. I AM IN MY TEACHERS BODY. AND SHE IS IN MINE. WE HAVE TO FIX THIS BEFORE THE DANCE, SO I CAN FINALLY SEE ZANE HENDERSON, THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!
(yawn, that was exhausting) I get up and wipe myself from the floor. "Ah, that was quite a noisy trance. Hadley seems to scream a lot. Oh well, I am well rested, and now I am ready to go possum hunting with my pet olive!!!"
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Swimming in the cold water
Playing, or relaxing
You know this is summer
Free from school
Sleeping late
Laughing, enjoying
Your summer day
Wishing you a happy summer!!!
~Skittlez (plus, there's turning 12!!! ^_^)
Monday, May 31, 2010
The Emily Windsnap Series
New addition!!!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
The Alchemyst
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Don't Stop Believin'
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Behind the Bedroom Wall
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Savvy, is a Rebecca Caudill 2011 nominee, and was absolutely amazing. It is easy to remember characters, but at first, the book will be a tad confusing.
Mibs is nearing her 13th birthday, which means discovering her Savvy; her magical power. Her mother's is that she is perfect, Fish(brother) controls weather sometimes, and Rocket is electrical. A few days before Mibs birthday, disaster strikes. Her beloved Poppa has been in a terrible car crash, and has not woken up. Mibs knows she needs to get down there to wake him, pronto. So she, Rocket, Fish, Samson(another brother), Will(boy who has a crush on her) and Bobbi(his sister) tag along on a pink Bible selling bus. Lester, the driver, will help them get to where they need. But obstacles come up. Mibs new savvy (I REFUSE to tell you what it is) helps out, and so do Rockets, Fish's, and Samson's (his Savvy came up early). Does Poppa wake up? What's Mibs new Savvy? Is it awesome? (Ok yeah it is pretty awesome)
You'll have to see for yourself
I literally could not put the book down, and finished it is one night. Hee hee.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Once a Witch
It's about a girl named Tamsin who's family all has "Talents" or magical powers. Tamsin is the only one who does not have one. One day a man comes in to her family's bookstore and mistakes Tamsin for her powerful sister, Rowena, and asks her to find an item (which is more important than it seems at first) for him; Tamsin accepts the offer. Meanwhile, her cousin Gabriel finally comes home after 10 years ... and they get along very well. Read this book to find out what happens to Tamsin and her family ... they are in grave danger at one point ...
Anyway ... just READ THE BOOK! It's 300 pages ... but it will keep you engrossed the whole time.
**Meena** (also known as candy, meenanator, meenz, and mean meena :D)
Friday, May 7, 2010
good songs
my chick bad-Ludacris
rock that body-black eyed peas
all the way turnt up-Roscoe Dash
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Waiting for Normal
Will Addie EVER find normal in this twisted world?
Notes from the Midnight Driver
It's Raining Cupcakes
Friday, April 30, 2010
Great songs
If we ever meet again-Timberland/Katey Perry
In my head-Jason Durolo
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
White Sox-after an upsetting loss to the rangers they play Tommorrow
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
QB?! }:{o
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The Draft
Rebecca Caudill 2011!!
My person that I asked to blog on sports has accepted! But since we have a lot of Illinois teams, I have invited another person and those two people have split up teams and have cooperated. One person still needs to accept the invitation to blog, but one person, already did and is posting!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Where the Red Fern Grows
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Sahara Special
Circle of Magic Series by Tamora Pierce
This series is a collection of fantasy books about four children: Sandry, Briar, Daja, and Tris, with lots of magic. Teachers from Winding Circle, a phenomenal magic insitution, find all of them and the four children are taken there. They each specialize in a certain kind of magic: Daja in metalcraft, Briar in plants, Tris in weather, and Sandry in weaving. Soon after they arrive, disaster strikes Winding Circle, and Sandry must use her skills to save them. Read this series to find out about her adventures!!!
By the way, I read these a while ago ... but I still remember them!!! They're really really good.
Jellicoe Road
Anyways, it's about a girl named Taylor who ends up leading her school in this territorial wars thing. Her mom abandoned her at 7-Eleven when she was a little kid. Hannah (a lady who helps at the school) came and picked her up and took her to her school. When Taylor was 14, she ran away from the school in search of her mother, but a young boy from the rival school in the wars followed her. They got to be friends, but later he called up the school and a person came and picked them up when she was very close to her mother. This boy is now the leader of the other school in the wars. Read this book to find out about Taylor's experiences. It's a book with everything --- excitement, adventure, friendship, romance ....
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Firmly Planted
Here is a digital story that I made recently. I hope that you enjoy it. Thank you for the invitation to join your blog! I am just starting mine! I'll let you know when I am up and running.
Mrs. N.
Models Don't Eat Chocolate Cookies
Luv Ya Bunches
Monday, April 12, 2010
Baby by Justin Beiber
Imma be
(i'll post more when i think of them)
Maximum Ride. Anz is right. It's the best book ever. Especially the newer ones ... they're really good.
Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover. Really good book. More of a girl book though. So yeah. About spies. I think there's two in the series.
NOTE: I AM *NOT* JELLYBEAN'S TEACHER! idk y u all think that .... im just a boring old middle schooler.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Hola... With a Book on the side
Our special today is maximum ride, prepared by our chef, um author, James Patterson.
I'll leave you to look at the menus, *cough, cough* I mean book reviews.
Yes, yes, maximum ride is an exciting, action packed novel about a group of kids who are 98%... Some people might say normal, but the other 2% play a big deal, they, um have wings. I feel that more people can relate to this series because each character from the flock (what they call themselves) is different.
Some may be like Max, the leader.
Or maybe you sorta keep to yourself like Fang.
Are you blind? So is Iggy.
Nudge likes to talk... The nudge channel: all nudge, all the time.
Like to blow stuff up, and you're... Gassy? Gasman
Are you, well, an angel? You're like Angel.
There are six books in the series and being a bird kid may seem to be fly, but you never know when an "Eraser" will pop up...
You'd like this book? Well here you go.
Jellybeans here, and I have an AWESOME song that you should listen to.
This is a mix of lots of songs, and sounds amazing! Here is the link....
It has favorites, like I Gotta Feeling, Poker Face, You Belong With Me, Down, and The Climb, yet with more.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
The Slightly True Story of Cedar B. Hartley (Who Planned to Live an Unusual Life)
Book Cover |
Friday, April 2, 2010
Kate Voegele-A Singer Who Should Be Noticed
99 Times:
Inside Out:
Only Fooling Myself:
Her fans keep climbing higher, but she deserves to be known.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Kaleidoscope Eyes by: Jen Bryant

Hey there, it's me, Skittlez. Kaleidoscope Eyes by Jen Bryant is about a girl named Lyza, who, while helping her dad clean out her grandfather's house, finds three maps and a letter with it saying, "For Lyza ONLY." With help from her two best friends, Malcolm and Carolann, Lyza discovers that an old pirate treasure may be hidden under New Jersy, the place she calls home. After careful planning, they start to dig at where they think the treasure may be hidden. How will they manage digging for treasure with chores, curfew, and sneaking off behind their parents' back?
This book had an interesting format and excellent story. I'd give it 4.5 out of 5 stars.
New subjects
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Kids Choice Awards!!!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Everything on a Waffle
Book cover |
This was a good book, and I give it 8 out of 10 stars.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Behind the Rebel Lines
Again, I do not usually enjoy historical fiction. But this was one of the BEST books I have EVER read, and I read a lot. This was about Emma Edmonds, a lady, who would like to be able to help her own country. Emma pretends to be a man and enters the army, not knowing that she will become one of the best Civil War spies ever. Emma has a number of disguises, and uses different ones every time she has to get into a Confederate Camp, to learn their battle strategy.
Emma faces many, many challenges, and this is a very entertaining book. I give it 11 out of 10 stars.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Ashes of Roses
WOW this was an AWESOME BOOK!!! I, Jellybeans, do not usually enjoy reading historical fiction, but this was different. This was one of the best books I have ever read.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I just finished reading this and it was suspenseful, funny, and a tad confusing.
Silas Heap, Septimus's father, UNSEALS a room, with an enchanted portrait of a queen and her pet 500 years ago. The Portrait is enchanted with the ghost of a horrible Queen 500 years ago.
QUEEN ETHELDREDDA is out to get Jenna, and kill her!
Her horrible pet, has been going around and spreading the Sickness, that keeps on killing people.
Etheldredda is also out to kill Septimus, or at least make him disappear.
And that happens all right. Septimus fell through a looking glass, and now is trapped in time 500 YEARS AGO!
Will Jenna, Alther the ghost, Marcia the ExtraOrdinary Wizard and Spit Fyre the dragon ever rescue Septimus, or will Septimus just be stuck forever?
And what about the dreadful Etheldredda? What happens to her?
richareads is expanding to music now
so you will not only see books, but songs and artists.
check us out!!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Replay by Iyaz-
Tik Tok by Keisha-
Down by Jay Sean-
All Star by Smash Mouth-
Behind these Hazel Eyes by Kelly Clarkson-
When did your heart go Missing by Rooney-
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
WOW this was like the BEST book EVER!!! I read it because the title and cover caught my eye. This WONDERFUL book is about a family of nine, Mother, Father, 6 boys, and an adopted girl named Jenna. Only the mother and father know her true identity... a Princess. Jenna had been searched for for years, and know, on her 10th birthday, she is found. Hunters try to kill her, only is necessary, and try to capture her. She escapes, but is separated from her mother, and 5 of her brothers. Silas(father), Marcia, an Extraordinary Wizard, Nicko, and Jenna try to escape and pick up a mysterious boy on the way, from the Young Army. His name is Boy 412, but who is he really? You want answers? Read it then! There are 5 books in the series. The first is Magyk, second Flyte, third Physik, fourth Queste, fifth Syren. I hope these will all be just as great as Magyk.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Dolphin Song
I just finished reading Dolphin Song, the sequel to White Giraffe. The White Giraffe was one of the BEST book I have ever read, and Dolphin Song was not as good as that. Dolphin Song is about Martine having to go on a Sardine Run trip with her class and have to go into the water. She does not like going into water because of dreams. During a horrible storm, Martine and some other classmates get thrown overboard, but are rescued by dolphins. They dolphins take them to a small island, where Martine and the others must find wayts to live off of the land... And Martine's survival kit.
If you want to know if they get rescued, read this!!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
11 Birthdays
Now it is their 11th birthday, and both of them are stuck in an endless loop of that day. This book is by Wendy Mass, also the author of the Twice Upon a Time series. READ IT PLEASE!!!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
And the Winners are..
The Thing About Georgie
The White Giraffe
Emma-Jean Lazarus Fell Out of A Tree
We had a 3 way tie between those books. I liked The White Giraffe and Emma Jean best out of those though.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Twice Upon a Time
I have read Twice Upon A Time : Rapunzel the One with All the Hair and it was one of the best fantasy books I have EVER read! This is another version of Rapunzel, I mean, who said it DIDN'T happen this way!? Anyway, this is about Rapunzel being rudely taken away from her home on her birthday and being trapped in a tower, and about Prince Benjamin wanting to have a song written about him and being trapped in a castle. But when their two paths cross, everything changes, and Rapunzel gets hope of being rescued. This is a charming book, and anybody could enjoy it! I have read it at least 5 times. I always want to keep reading.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Nancy Drew
Have you seen the Nancy Drew movie? If not, I think that I would recommend it to somebody. This movie is filled with adventure, as well of mystery of course. The movie is about a small town girl named Nancy Drew, going to an old house for a stay, and having some strange stories be uncovered .This was a really good movie, in my opinion, but I think that the only reason I liked it was because it was mystery, adventure, and had a little ghost parts in there. I am a fan of all of those.
To me, this movie would be a 5 out of 5 rating.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Chicken Soup
Even though I have not finished this book yet, it is pretty good. It has lots of stories from cat owners about cat experiences they have had. Some of these stories are sad, with cats dying, but some are really funny and interesting to read. I thought that this is a good read, with many short stories. This may seem like a weird book, but is a very interesting book. So far, 4.5 out of 5 stars!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Jade Green
Percy Jackson and the Olympians The Lightning Thief movie
I think that this is a 2 out of a 5 stars, but that is just my opinion.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Someone Named Eva
Read Someone Named Eva! This book was recommended to me by the same person many times. It is fabulous Rebecca Caudill 2010 book and was about a Czech girl named Milada, who is suddenly whisked away from her home in the dead of night, along with her grandmother, mother, father, big brother, and baby sister. She is separated from her family, being sent to a center that trains girls like Milada with blonde hair and light colored eyes. At the center, she is renamed Eva, and trains there for about 2 years. She is soon adopted by a Nazi family, with a new sister, mother, brother, father, ans mother. Read this book to find out if Milada, also know as Eva, will ever be reunited with her family. I thought that this was a rally good book and was a 6 star out of 5.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Home of the Brave
Home Of the Brave
was a very good book
for somebody who likes
to learn about
troubles of other
people during war.
The whole book is written like that. This book will keep you reading so you may never want to put Home of the Brave down until you are finished!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Julius Caesar
Crossing the Wire
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Not right
Friday, February 12, 2010
Rebecca Caudill books for 2009-10
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
Crossing the Wire by Will Hobbs
Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day George
Elephant Run by Roland Smith
Emma-Jean Lazarus Fell Out of a Tree by Lauren Tarshis
First Light by Rebecca Stead
Freedom Walkers: The Story of the Montgomery Bus Boycott by Russell
Home of the Brave by Katherine Applegate
Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life by Wendy Mass
Kimchi & Calamari by Rose Kent
The Mozart Question by Michael Morpurgo
The Naked Mole-Rat Letters by Mary Amato
Shark Girl by Kelly L. Bingham
Shooting the Moon by Frances O'Roark Dowell
A Small White Scar by K. A. Nuzum
Someone Named Eva by Joan M. Wolf
The Thing About Georgie by Lisa Graff
The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt
The White Giraffe by Lauren St. John
Some of these are REALLY good books like Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of life.
come ON!!!